What does INSEE stand for in French?

French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies Number masking. You can use the TRANS NID function to mask French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies numbers (INSEE).

What does Insee mean in French?

National Identification Numbers (INSEE)

Each French person receives at birth a national identification number, called "Social Security number", which comes from his registration to the NIR (National Repertory). The number was created by René Camille in 1941 under the Vichy Regime.

What is an NIR number in France?

Registration for membership is the administrative process that consists of assigning a person a single identification number national membership registry of insured persons (the “NIR”): this is commonly referred to as a “social security number.” Individuals born in France are registered for membership at birth.

Why do Parisians say Si instead of oui?

In most cases, we use oui (yes) and non (no) in French the same way as in English. However, if someone asks you a negative question or makes a negative statement and you want to disagree with it (i.e. answer in the positive) then use si instead of oui.

What is the meaning of I see?

you understand

You can say 'I see' to indicate that you understand what someone is telling you. [spoken, formulae] 'He came home in my car. '—'I see.

What is CPAM in France?

The French public social security is called CPAM (Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie). It provides reimbursement to medical care and medicines under specific conditions. As a foreigner, you may be entitled to it.

How do I register with CPAM in France?

You need to fill out an application form called "Demande d'ouverture des droits à l'assurance maladie” with every necessary information about your situation and send it by post with all supporting documents attached to it to your regional CPAM Office's post box (Caisse Primaire d'Assurances Maladie is the local …

What can I say instead of I see?

Synonyms of 'I see' in British English

  • I understand.
  • uh huh.
  • mmm.
  • I'm with you.
  • I've got you.
  • ah ha.

Is I see an idiom?

I see what you mean. This idiom uses see in the sense of “perceive” or “comprehend,” a usage dating from 1300. Also see as far as I can see. WILL YOU SAIL OR STUMBLE ON THESE GRAMMAR QUESTIONS?

How much is French child benefit?

The family allowance

2019 income threshold taken into account until the 31st December 2021
Monthly amounts valid from April,1st 2020 until March, 31st 2021
Family allowance for 2 children 131.95 € 32.99 €
Family allowance for 3 children 301 € 75.26 €
Per extra child 169.06 € 42.27 €

What does ALD mean in France?

affections de longue durée –

The long-term illness (affections de longue durée – ALD) provision was put in place when the social security system was first established, to deal with patients suffering from a chronic condition which requires prolonged treatment and a particularly expensive course of therapy.

How much does a French residence permit cost?

Cost of a residence permit

You will be required to pay a tax to the OFII in the amount of €200 upon delivery of the permit. A stamp duty of €25 on residence permits is added to the amount of the tax. To this administrative cost of €225 is added the cost of the long-stay visa authorising entry into France, namely €99.

How long can you live in France without becoming a resident?

For any stay in France exceeding 90 days, you are required to apply in advance for a long-stay vis. In this instance your nationality does not exempt you from requirements. Whatever the duration of your planned stay, the duration of your long-stay visa must be between three months and one year.

How do you say no in a smart way?

Different Ways to Say No and When to Use Them

  1. I appreciate the offer, but I can't.
  2. I'm honored, but can't.
  3. I'd love to, but I can't.
  4. I appreciate the invitation, but I am completely booked.
  5. Thanks for thinking of me, but I can't.
  6. Regrettably, I'm not able to.
  7. You're so kind to think of me, but I can't.

Why is saying I know rude?

Even in casual talk it can still be annoying because you are sharing information with someone that you think hasn't herd it and if they say "I know" it can make you feel that they had no respect for you.

Is it polite to say I see?

"I see." is informal, and is often used by friends talking to each other. The original poster is correct that "I understand" is more formal than "I see", and that both "I understand" and "I see" are often used by doctors who are listening to patients.

What means I got you?

You understand

You get me and I get you are both used to express understanding. You get me means "You understand what I'm saying," and I get you means "I understand what you are saying." I got you (and, more informally, Got you) can also be used to express understanding, but it is not as common as I get you.

How much is single mother benefit in France?

The amount of the back-to-school allowance ranges from €372.17 to €406.31, according to the age of the child (school year beginning 2021). The amount of the daily parental presence allowance is set at €44.09 if the recipient lives with a partner. It is increased to €52.39 if it concerns a single parent.

Is French daycare free?

Pay the fees

The amount you pay for crèche depends on your family's income and family situation. Families with children under the age of 6 are given a tax credit for their childcare costs.

Why do French people say bah oui?

Essentially, “bah” means “you idiot” or “yeah duh.” So if someone asks if you're going to watch the next season of Game of Thrones, you say, “Bah ouais, c'est la fin de la série.” If you didn't remember it's your coworker Daisy's birthday until she brings a cake out at lunch, you'd exclaim, “Bah oui, c'est ton …

What does wallah mean in France?

Voilà is the French-derived interjection meaning, literally, look there. In English, it's often used to call attention to a novel result or to something just completed. English speakers often pronounce the word wallah, resulting in various misspellings—including walla, wallah, wa la, and wa-la.

What is the fastest way to get French citizenship?

You can become French by naturalisation, under conditions, if you are in one of the following situations: You have been living in France 5 years or older You have refugee status You come from a French and you speak french because it's your mother tongue You come from a French-speaking country and have been educated 5 …

How much income do I need to retire to France?

The minimum monthly earnings requirements has therefore increased from nothing to €1,329 net income per month for a single person and around €2,658 net income per month for a couple. For a British family moving to France with 3 children, they will now have to show a gross annual income of around €60,000.

Does buying a house in France gives you residency?

Can I buy a property in France and live there? As long as you have a French bank account and valid identification, there are no restrictions on foreigners buying property in France, but this does not automatically make you a resident.

How do you say I can’t come politely?

How to say no politely

  1. I'm sorry, I'm busy on Friday.
  2. I'm afraid I can't make this Friday.
  3. It would be really nice, but I'm afraid I can't come.
  4. That sounds great, but I'm afraid I can't come.
  5. That's a really nice invitation, but I'm afraid I can't come.

How do you say I don’t care politely?

Other Ways of Saying “I Don't Care”

  1. I don't mind. I don't care and I don't mind are synonymous. …
  2. That doesn't bother me. That doesn't bother me is a close cousin of I don't mind and can be used the same way. …
  3. That's not a priority for me right now. …
  4. That doesn't concern me. …
  5. I would rather not get involved.