How did Poirot end up in a wheelchair?

In the 1975 novel, Agatha wrote: "Crippled with arthritis, he propelled himself about in a wheelchair.

What condition does Poirot have?

Coronary Heart Disease and the Ischemic Demise of a Beloved Fictional Hero: Hercule Poirot of Agatha Christie Fame.

How old was Hercule Poirot when he died?

Keating, in his article “Hercule Poirot – A Companion Portrait”, analysing Poirot`s career from the beginning, calculates that Hercule Poirot, born in 1844, begins to work as a private detective at the age of 60 and dies in 1974 aged 130 (207).

What happened to Hercule Poirot?

On the ITV television series, Poirot died in October 1949 from complications of a heart condition at the end of Curtain: Poirot's Last Case. This took place at Styles Court, the scene of his first English case in 1916.

Why does Poirot walk funny?

Suchet explains, “When he was playing a fop in a Restoration play he put a penny in the crack of his bottom and walked and wouldn't let it drop. If you do that, you can't walk fast, so I did the same thing.”

Was Poirot asexual?

Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot were defiantly asexual. What did Sir Doyle and Agatha Christie have against sex?

Does Poirot have autism?

“I can only see the world as it should be,” Poirot explains early in the movie. “When it is not, the imperfection stands out.” As a director, Branagh wisely resists the urge to retroactively diagnose Poirot with some sort of autism spectrum disorder, though “Murder on the Orient Express” could have made that leap.

Who was Poirot in love with?

Countess Vera Rossakoff

Countess Vera Rossakoff is the only woman with whom Hercule Poirot has ever admitted being attracted. The countess' true name is a mystery. She appears in only one novel, The Big Four, and two short stories, "The Double Clue" and "The Capture of Cerberus" (The Labours of Hercules series).

Why did Agatha Christie not like Poirot?

By 1930, Agatha Christie felt that Poirot was getting insufferable. The self-proclaimed "greatest mind in Europe," had become egocentric and tiresome. Though she found him detestable, she could not kill him off. The people loved him, and she felt that it was her duty to give them what they liked.

Who is Hercule Poirot’s wife?

While Hercule never marries, he has one love interest throughout the series who appears only briefly in one novel and two short stories, The Big Four, The Double Clue and The Capture of Cerberus.