Jak przejść pierwszy poziom Backrooms?

What is the hardest entity in the Backrooms?

Entity 3, known as The Smiler, is by far one of the most horrifying entities in Inside The Backrooms.

What is the weirdest backroom level?

The Absolute Limit is a very dangerous and unpredictable enigmatic level within the Backrooms. It is believed to be connected to An Endless Ending in a close way. The level displays strange qualities which other areas of the Backrooms do not seem to show.

What’s the password for Shrek in the Backrooms Roblox?

On from the large room with the locker. Face the locker. And take the first. Right keep going forward until you see the code on your right it will be on the wall.

How to get from level 0 to level 1 Backrooms?

Exiting Level 0 is only possible by noclipping, which will always result in entry to Level 1. As newcomers to Level 0 are often unfamiliar with the mechanics of the Backrooms, it is necessary to keep your bearings and adapt quickly to the environment in order to exit.

What is level 9223372036854775807 in backrooms?

Level 9223372036854775807 is the signed 64-bit integer limit on a computer, and is presumably the final level of the Backrooms. Anybody that has reached this level has not been able to go any further for as long as this level has been discovered, and any levels claimed to be beyond this are currently unconfirmed.

What is level 666 in the Backrooms?

Level 666 is the 667th Level of the Backrooms. It was discovered on 6/16/2016 when a single Wanderer took a picture of a strange sign in the Backrooms and shortly went missing, presumably dead. Level 666 can be aptly described at what its entry sign universally calls it, hell.

What is level 444 in the Backrooms?

Level 444 is an unstable level that suffers from a significant Structural-Shift every 47-57 minutes. Each time Level 444 gets restructured (Now referred to as a Post-shift Event), the path will be completely different, and the main structure seems to be built randomly.

What is the password for the Shrek?

Shrek Level Passwords

Effect Effect
KFMSDJQXT Shrek: Bridge
HWPNFWWYJ Shrek: Castle
BLWDRFZPY Shrek: Champion
KGWNFWWYF Shrek: Dark Forest

How did the Backrooms get its name?

Origin and description. The Backrooms originated from a thread posted on the /x/ board of 4chan on 12 May 2019, where an anonymous user asked for others to "post disquieting images that just feel 'off'."

Does Backrooms level 0 have entities?

Level 0: This is the level depicted in the original Backrooms photo, featuring all of the creepypasta's most well-known characteristics – moldy carpet, yellow walls, and buzzing fluorescent lights. One of the entities created by users for this level are "hounds", described as disfigured and manic humanoid beings.