What is Arduino used for and why it is used?

The Arduino project began in 2005 as a tool for students at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy, aiming to provide a low-cost and easy way for novices and professionals to create devices that interact with their environment using sensors and actuators.

What is Arduino and why it is used?

In a nutshell, an Arduino is an open hardware development board that can be used by tinkerers, hobbyists, and makers to design and build devices that interact with the real world.

Where Arduino is used in real life?

Today Arduino is used for the control of traffic lights, it can also be used for the real time control system with programmable timings, pedestrian lighting etc.

What are the two main functions of Arduino?

There are two required functions in an Arduino sketch, setup() and loop().

What is Arduino in simple words?

What Does Arduino Mean? Arduino refers to an open-source electronics platform or board and the software used to program it. Arduino is designed to make electronics more accessible to artists, designers, hobbyists and ayone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.

What language is Arduino?


Arduino code is written in C++ with an addition of special methods and functions, which we'll mention later on. C++ is a human-readable programming language. When you create a 'sketch' (the name given to Arduino code files), it is processed and compiled to machine language.

What are the advantages of Arduino?


  • Not much knowledge required to get started.
  • Fairly low cost, depending on shields you need.
  • Lots of sketches and shields available.
  • No external programmer or power supply needed.

What are three types of Arduino?

Top 6 Different Types of Arduino

  • Arduino UNO. The development of Arduino UNO board is considered as new compared to other Arduino boards. …
  • LilyPad Arduino. …
  • Arduino Mega. …
  • Arduino Leonardo. …
  • Arduino Red Board. …
  • Arduino Shields.

What is Arduino and types?

Features of Different Types of Arduino Boards

Arduino Board Processor Analogue I/O
Arduino Uno 16Mhz ATmega328 6 input, 0 output
Arduino Due 84MHz AT91SAM3X8E 12 input, 2 output
Arduino Mega 16MHz ATmega2560 16 input, 0 output
Arduino Leonardo 16MHz ATmega32u4 12 input, 0 output

How many types of Arduino are there?

Features of Different Types of Arduino Boards

Arduino Board Processor Analogue I/O
Arduino Uno 16Mhz ATmega328 6 input, 0 output
Arduino Due 84MHz AT91SAM3X8E 12 input, 2 output
Arduino Mega 16MHz ATmega2560 16 input, 0 output
Arduino Leonardo 16MHz ATmega32u4 12 input, 0 output

How Arduino works?

Arduino works in a very simple way. It uses three main things to do it's job: Inputs: Sensors and switches are connected to the controller to give it information. These are called inputs, and they can be nearly anything from on/off signals, variable voltage* signals, or communication from another controller.