Where does the slang brass come from?

Leaders of the 19th century British army wore pieces of metal called oak leaves on their hats. The metal brass has a color similar to that of gold. So a leader or commander came to be called a member of the brass.

What does the slang term brass mean?

(slang) Bad, annoying; as wordplay applied especially to brass instruments.

What does a brass mean in Cockney?

Brass – Prostitute (short for brass nail or cockney for brass flute) Examples/ definitions with source references. Short for brass nail (or cockney: brass flute), rhyming slang for tail, which is itself slang for, amongst other things, a woman and prostitute. http://www.peevish.co.uk/slang/b.htm.

Why do Cockneys call a watch a kettle?

Kettle and hob = watch

The term means watch, which stemmed from a 'fob' watch which was a pocket watch attached to the body with a small chain. The kettle used to boil on the hob of a stove… hence the rhyme.

What’s Cockney for toilet?

Khazi. Another slightly dated alternative word to the toilet, 'khazi' (also spelt karzy, kharsie or carzey) is derived from the low Cockney word 'carsey', meaning a privy. It has its roots in the nineteenth century, but gained popular usage during the twentieth century.

What is Cockney for toilet?

Khazi. Another slightly dated alternative word to the toilet, 'khazi' (also spelt karzy, kharsie or carzey) is derived from the low Cockney word 'carsey', meaning a privy. It has its roots in the nineteenth century, but gained popular usage during the twentieth century.

Why do Cockneys call glasses bins?

On the subject of 'bins' this expression is the cockney rhyming slang for glasses, as in reading glasses, so if someone is having trouble looking up a number in a telephone book you might say put on your 'bins'.

What is wife in Cockney?

About Trouble & Strife 3

Trouble and Strife is cockney rhyming slang for wife. We chose this name because it acknowledges the reality of conflict in relations between women and men. As radical feminists, our politics come directly from this tension between men's power and women's resistance.

Why is a toilet called a Johnny?

The name “John” was later derived from “Jake” and “Jack.” Secondly but most notable amongst historians, John was the name of the first man credited with inventing the first flushing toilet. John Harington was born during the time in which Queen Elizabeth reigned.

Why do Londoners call a watch a kettle?

Kettle and hob = watch

The term means watch, which stemmed from a 'fob' watch which was a pocket watch attached to the body with a small chain. The kettle used to boil on the hob of a stove… hence the rhyme.

How do Londoners say yes?

' Aye – It means yes.