Where is Radio France located?

ParisMaison de la Radio nicknamed “maison ronde” (“the round house”) is the headquarters of Radio France. It is located in the 16th arrondissement of Paris near the Eiffel Tower.

Where is Radio France?

With nearly 40 million listeners worldwide, Radio France Internationale – RFI, is a French news radio station, broadcasted in 14 languages worldwide. It benefits from the expertise of its editorial offices based in Paris and its unique network of 400 correspondents on 5 continents.

What is the national radio station of France?

Le Chœur de Radio France (Choir of Radio France)

What is the oldest radio station still in use?


KDKA in Pittsburgh, most often cited as the first radio outlet in the United States, had begun as the amateur station 8XK in 1916, but it was forced off the air in World War I. It reappeared on November 2, 1920, as a “commercial” voice-and-music…

What is France Culture radio?

France Culture is a French public radio channel and part of Radio France. Its programming encompasses a wide variety of features on historical, philosophical, sociopolitical, and scientific themes, as well as literary readings, radio plays, and experimental productions.