How long chayote will bear fruit?

As a short day plant, chayote only initiates flowering when day length is less than about 12 hours. Fruit development takes 1–2 months after pollination. Harvest when the fruit is about 4–6 inches in diameter, at 4–5 months after planting.

How long does chayote plant last?

One plant can produce 60 to 80 palm-sized fruit; covered in plastic and refrigerated, they can keep for a month or more. Chayote is the Zelig of edibles.

Does chayote grow back every year?

The fruit is still edible but tougher when it begins to sprout. Once established, chayote will come back every year. Like many perennial vegetables, the best yields happen after the plant is 2-3 years old. Chayote has a texture similar to mature zucchini.

What is the best month to plant chayote?

In May, once the weather is well above freezing, plant the squash outside. Amend the soil with manure or compost, and situate the chayote squash in full sun. Space the plants about 3 metres (10 feet) apart. Chayote will grow into a large vine, so it needs a sturdy trellis with overhead space for hanging fruit.

Does chayote need pollination?

A member of the Cucumber Family (Cucurbitaceae), Chayote absolutely requires pollination to bear fruit. Chayote is monoecious with male and female flowers on the same plant; male and female flowers are somewhat different in form, but both are rather open (non-tubular) and contain droplets of easily accessible nectar.

How many months do you harvest chayote?

Harvesting starts 3 to 4 months in areas with average temperature of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius and 4 to 6 months from planting with average temperature of 15 to 16 degrees Celsius and if the seeds used were fully matured and pre-sprouted with 1 to 2 inches hardened sprout.

Does chayote need fertilizer?

Fertilization In the homegarden chayote requires little nitrogen but fruit yields do respond to potassium fertilization. Excessive nitrogen applications may promote vine growth at the expense of fruit yields. Excessive nitrogen may also result in flower abscission.

How often do you fertilize chayotes?

Apart from being a thirsty vine, Chayote is also a heavy feeder. The ideal fertilizer for Chayote plants is an all-purpose organic fertilizer once, every 6-to 7 weeks. It requires a bit of nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium throughout its growing period.

Why is my chayote not flowering?

Other Reasons Chayote Won't Bloom

It is possible that temperatures in your area got too cold and the blooms were killed off. Another need of the choko is about 12 hours of sun to flower. While chayote can be grown in temperate climates for use as a rapid growing vine, it is not likely to flower or fruit.

Does chayote need a lot of water?

Chayote needs plenty of water, especially in warm weather. Depending on the natural rainfall in your area, aim to water your chayote 2-3 times a week during summer and less in the cooler months. A deeper watering once a week may be enough in cool weather.

Does chayote like full sun?

Plant chayote in full sun; chayote will grow in partial shade but the yield will be reduced. Grow chayote in loose, well-drained but moisture-retentive soil rich in organic matter. Chayote prefers a soil pH of 6.0 to 6.8.

Why is my chayote not fruiting?

Other Reasons Chayote Won't Bloom

It is possible that temperatures in your area got too cold and the blooms were killed off. Another need of the choko is about 12 hours of sun to flower. While chayote can be grown in temperate climates for use as a rapid growing vine, it is not likely to flower or fruit.