Kto zabil Hannah Baker?

Who was Hannah sexting in 13 Reasons Why?


Hannah Had A Texting Romance With Justin

In reality, Tyler (Devin Druid) revealed that Hannah was sexting with Justin after the photo was taken, and later, we learn that Hannah and Justin secretly kept up the digital flirting for weeks…

Did Zach and Hannah sleep together?

“Episode 6: The Smile at the End of the Dock” Zach, a Liberty baseball player and one of Bryce's best friends, reveals on the witness stand that he and Hannah had a summer-long sexual relationship that they kept secret from everybody.

Is 13 Reasons Why Based on a true story?

The specific events depicted in "13 Reasons Why" never actually happened, but the series is based in part on a 2007 book of the same name. The novel, which was written by Jay Asher, covers incidents that take place in the first season of the show, switching between Hannah and Clay's perspectives.

What happened to Hannah in 13 Reasons Why?

Hannah's suicide is the central plot of the story for the first season. She only appeared as a hallucination or in a flashback. She narrated the first season through the tapes she left behind. Through her narration on the tapes, she revealed the reasons she committed suicide.

What was Hannah’s secret to Tony?

Likewise, Tony knew one of Hannah's biggest secrets as well: she was a bully at her old school. He burned the letters Hannah left to protect her in court, as the lawyers for the school were determined to make it seem like she left the tapes behind for revenge, which the tapes did kind of made it seem like.

What mental illness did Hannah Baker have?


Hannah has symptoms of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder; she may also have antisocial personality disorder or borderline personality disorder.

What did Bryce do to Hannah?

Just before the game, Bryce asks Jess to meet him by the docks so he can give her something. The something turns out to be an apology tape – in the style of Hannah Baker – where he finally admits to raping her and the other women.

What did Clay do to Hannah?

One student, Clay Jensen, who had been particularly fond of Hannah, takes a special interest in the tapes. Unlike his peers, however, Clay doesn't actually do any harm to Hannah. Instead, Hannah chooses to include him in the tapes because she feels he needs to hear her side of the story.

Did Hannah get pregnant in 13 Reasons Why?

Season one of Netflix hit 13 Reasons Why saw Hannah (played by Katherine Langford) raped by jock Bryce Walker (Justin Prentice) which was a contributing factor to her taking her own life. However, it may be that the assault resulted in Hannah falling pregnant.

What mental illness does Hannah Baker have?


Hannah has symptoms of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder; she may also have antisocial personality disorder or borderline personality disorder.

Why did Tyler stalk Hannah?

Season 2. Tyler is the first of the individuals called upon from Hannah's tapes to court. He relays the whole truth of his stalking of her. He states that he was attracted to her and met her when attempting to gather yearbook photos and being rebuffed she offered herself as a subject.

Who had shut up Hannah’s womb?

The biblical account of her story in 1 Samuel 1-2 explicitly reveals, “The LORD had closed her womb.” It also says that “her rival used to provoke her grievously to irritate her, because the LORD had closed her womb.” Hannah's rival was her husband's second wife who “had children.” And the yearly taunting filled Hannah …

Why did Tony owe Hannah?

Hannah didn't leave them with him because they were friends, but because he owed her for keeping his secret. Likewise, Tony knew one of Hannah's biggest secrets as well: she was a bully at her old school.

What mental illness did Justin Foley have?

How Depression Can Lead to Substance Abuse and Drug Addiction. As part of new character development, former basketball star Justin Foley develops an addiction to heroin as a result of his depression from the tapes.

Was Hannah a bully?

Hannah was a bully

Hannah was a new transfer to Liberty High the year before her death, and episode ten reveals that at her former school, she was part of a clique that viciously bullied another girl, Sarah, who testifies against her during the trial.

What did Bryce lie about?

If you missed all the drama leading up to this point, we're talking about Bryce's secret girlfriend – the one Rebecca claimed he had told her he was buying a gift for to send back to Canberra, which he has since categorically denied.

Why doesn’t Hannah send the tapes to Bryce?

Hannah states that the reason she didn't list Bryce as a reason here is because "the tapes need to be passed on. And if I sent them to him, they would stop. Think about it. He raped a girl and would leave town in a second if he knew… well… if he knew that we knew."

What mental illness does Clay have?

By the series finale, Clay comes clean to his classmates about suffering from anxiety and depression — "but mostly anxiety" — in his graduation speech. "Whatever happens, keep moving," he says. "Get through it. Choose to live.

How did Clay hurt Hannah feelings?

One student, Clay Jensen, who had been particularly fond of Hannah, takes a special interest in the tapes. Unlike his peers, however, Clay doesn't actually do any harm to Hannah. Instead, Hannah chooses to include him in the tapes because she feels he needs to hear her side of the story.

What age did Hannah get pregnant?

one hundred and thirty years old

Hannah was one hundred and thirty years old when she became pregnant, as was Jochebed (Midrash Samuel 4:1); this midrash is part of the Rabbinic trend to compare Samuel with Moses (see below). I Sam.

Who is the father of Hannah baby?

During her pregnancy with Ava, Hannah shared some details about her boyfriend/baby daddy, Josh Roberts. Over time, Hannah has featured Josh more on her Instagram feed, and the couple actually tied the knot in March of 2022.

Did Tyler sleep with Hannah?

Though Hannah writes that Tyler "grabbed my attention" physically, they did not have sex in their Fantasy Suite. The did, however, develop their emotional connection, so much so that Hannah sent Peter home, and was left with Tyler and Jed as her final two.

Why did God lock Hannah’s womb?

God had foreordained Samuel to be a substitute for Eli and also to be born through Hannah. However, God would not open Hannah's womb to conceive Samuel until God was certain that Hannah would be willing to release Samuel for His purpose, service and glory.

What did Hannah mean when she said no razor shall touch his head?

Hannah was saying that her son Samuel's mind would always have The Lord's covering; that The Lord would forever guide Samuel's life, and that nothing would come between her son and the guiding life of the Father in him.

What is Tony’s role in Hannah’s death?

Tony, who is introduced early on as Clay's friend, is the keeper of Hannah's tapes. Prior to committing suicide, Hannah left the tapes, along with instructions on what to do with them, at Tony's house. Unfortunately, Tony did not realize what was going to happen until it was too late.